Author: Evan Cummings, CSP

Dues and Donations

Upcoming Events

November Coats for Kids Distribution
November 6th 5:00pm Monthly Social at Melvins in Heber
November 13th 7:00pm Monthly Business Meeting
November 17th 11:30am Parish Brunch
November 22nd Blood Drive in Heber
December 7th Christmas Party
December 27th Blood Drive at St. Mary’s

Join Us

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men at least 18 years of age who are practicing Catholics. If you are interesting in joining send us a message.

Council 1129 Info Display

Monthly Meetings

We have social gatherings on the first Wednesday at the Boneyard in Park City or Melvins in Heber City.

Our regular monthly member meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month at 7 PM.

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