Who We Are
Since 1882, membership in the Knights of Columbus has been open to men 18 years of age or older who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. The Knights of Columbus are a band of brothers in the quest to become better Catholic men.

What We Do
Knights participate in charity events, disaster relief and fundraising for charities. Also Knights and their families have opportunities to participate in activities that deepen their own faith and strengthen their local parish.
Our council puts on several fellowship events for the parish including breakfasts and fish fries. We also raise money for local charities like the Gabriel Project and the Park City Pregnancy Healthcare Center.

Join Us
In a culture that is often hostile to religion or public reference to God, the Knights of Columbus provides inspiring resources to help Catholic men grow in their faith and become better husbands and fathers. Join 1.9 million members to defend the faith and the truth as you support local, national and international issues that are important to you.
Contact us and we can get you started or join online.