Dear Jack and the Park City Knights of Columbus,
Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. I cannot express how grateful I am for your spiritual support for me through seminary.
I thought it would be good to give a bit of an update before things start to get too crazy with the Advent/Christmas season.
I’ve now been working at my pastoral year assignment (in Berkeley, Ca) for two and half months (where’d the time go?) and it’s going well for me. I am involved in a broad range of ministries around the parish and Newman center to help expose me to various models of ministry and work. I am heavily involved in helping the Student Ministry Team and Student Retreat Team to put together programs and events for the students. I have a lot of fun just hanging out with the students around the Newman center, spending time with them and getting to help them through their time in college. I am also very involved in the RCIA team, we have 10 catechumens/candidates. I also help out with some of the social justice ministries, such as feeding the homeless Sunday morning in a park very close to the parish. It’s been a wonderful time to do some hands on ministry and really discern the more day to day life of Paulist priesthood.
I am also getting a lot of time to explore the Bay area and have some fun. I’ve been into San Francisco a few times now to explore and see the sights. I have also been able to see Santa Cruz and some of the other surrounding cities of the Bay area.
We are gearing up for our Thanksgiving dinner here. Our house is going to have a dinner with myself, the two Paulist priests who work at the Parish, a graduate student, and my brother will be coming into town. I’m very excited to get to see my brother and show him around the area.
Thanks you and God Bless,
Evan Cummings, CSP