
You Can Pay Your Dues Online

You Can Pay Your Dues Online

Members can pay their dues on this website by credit card. It is slightly higher due to credit card fees. Cash and checks are still accepted in person at meetings.

Summer Cookouts

Summer Cookouts

This summer Council 1129 participated in two cook outs. First was our annual Father Days cook out. Every year we organize and put on the Father's Day BBQ. This year despite the wind, we had a good time. The second was Fr. Stan's retirement party. Our...

Duties of Council Officers

Duties of Council Officers

With nominations for officers open and elections coming up, here's a list of the council officer positions with their duties. Grand Knight The Grand Knight is responsible for the welfare of the council. He presides over council meetings, acts as an ex-officio member...

Lenten Fish Fries Start Tomorrow

Lenten Fish Fries Start Tomorrow

This Friday at 5:30, come by the social hall for our first fish fry for Lent 2018. The cost is only $7.00. Funds raised go to support fellowship events and our other programs. Bring a friend or two!

November Breakfast a Success

We had over 110 people at our monthly breakfast last Sunday. Just enough food was cooked. We also replaced french toast with blueberry pancakes. Hopefully, we'll have even more next month. These events have the dual purpose of being a fundraiser and fellowship ebent...

State Site Photos Updated

State Site Photos Updated

Wondering what other knights in the state have been up to? Want to see what the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention looks like? The state's photo gallery has just been updated. It has photos from 2007 up to this year's Supreme Convention.

Update from Seminarian Evan Cummings

Update from Seminarian Evan Cummings

Here is an update from one of the seminarians that our council supports. Dear Jack and the Park City Knights of Columbus, Happy Easter! Sorry for not having kept you updated, lately. Things got really busy for me this Spring semester. Thank you so much for your...

Last Fish Fry Today, Photos Added

Last Fish Fry Today, Photos Added

This evening from 5:30pm to 6:30pm will be our third and last fish fry for the year. The first two were very successful. Last week's was on St. Patrick's day and the Ecker Hill String Orchestra provided the music. This one will be followed by Bingo. Knights that want...

Dues and Donations

Upcoming Events

November Coats for Kids Distribution
November 6th 5:00pm Monthly Social at Melvins in Heber
November 13th 7:00pm Monthly Business Meeting
November 17th 11:30am Parish Brunch
November 22nd Blood Drive in Heber
December 7th Christmas Party
December 27th Blood Drive at St. Mary’s

Join Us

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men at least 18 years of age who are practicing Catholics. If you are interesting in joining send us a message.

Council 1129 Info Display

Monthly Meetings

We have social gatherings on the first Wednesday at the Boneyard in Park City or Melvins in Heber City.

Our regular monthly member meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month at 7 PM.

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